Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Attracting Luck

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We begin by asking ourself these questions :
  • What are we when we were born? The answer is, we are NOTHING but a body with a soul.

  • What are we today? The answer is, we are EXPERIENCING LIVING a LIFE with all the ups' & downs'.

  •  The final question, aren't all these (2) LIFE EXPERIENCES the ups' & downs' is caused of our own actions??? We are NOTHING (1) when we were born but now we know and we experience the joys, happiness, sadness, sorrows, happiness and worry of LIVING A LIFE. So what actually  causes all these? The answer is us! we are the culprit, we are the ones that brought all these into our life. So aren't we the PRODUCT of our own CREATION?

Live a better life if you can learn from your past mistakes. Ones must understand and accept the facts that we are infact the PRODUCT of our own CREATION.

We are the one that inflicts or brought upon ourself the joys, happiness, sadness, sorrows, happiness and worry. But do you know how??

It all happens because of our : ATTITUDE & CHARACTER.

While you enjoy POSITIVENESS with good attitude, praises and liking for a good CHARACTER.

A NEGATIVE attitude and a bad character will attracts problems to your life.

For example - ego, pride, greed, arrogance, stubborn, selfishness these are the few example that will destroy your life journey!

Knowing these facts, ones must eliminate these negativity to achieve a better life.

It is possible to enhace your luck with the mystics way, like using crystals, doing meditation, performing prayers & having faith in ones GOD. However you won't see much results if you don't have a good ATTITUDE & CHARACTER. 

Since we're promoting CRYSTALS in this website, please allow me to explain only on the POWER of CRYSTAL and how can you gain from it.

Many people have enjoy the advantages of CRYSTALS. It has the NATURAL POWER in it and can helps the ones who is wearing it, although it has not been scientifically proven. People that wears it, feels and enjoy the effect with some saying after few days of wearing it they began to see the changes in THEM. 

Unlike many others who believes that CRYSTAL absorb the negativity in one self, attracts good luck, attracts wealth and attracts friendship.

I believe that CRYSTAL itself is EMITTING instead of ABSORBING & ATTRACTING!

This theory is proven when you touch the bracelet that we are selling here while you are wearing it, you can feel the coldness . If it is absorbing, our body temperature would have been absorbed and it wouldn't have coldness feeling on it.
Touch your bracelet this way to check for its genuinity, our body temperature will not effect it.
You can feel mild coldness even if you are wearing it

So why are people saying that CRYSTAL can attracts good luck, attracts wealth, attracts friendship and even good health since itself is EMITTING and not ABSORBING?

I personally met many people using CRYSTALS in their life, relating their experiences with me on this matter.

My conclusion is that, CRYSTAL is EMITTING its ENERGY to its surrounding and indirectly changes the people who wears it and improve the environment it's in through its mystical energy.

A pessimistic person will be more positive after wearing a TIGER EYE the energy emitted by TIGER EYE make ones forget the negative and the thought of FEAR, it allows its wearer to have a clearer mind and motivated.

Remove the negative clout of BAD LUCK with BLACK AGATE, its energy dispel ones negative energy and allows the flow of good energy which will increase ones luck naturally.

Realising your dreams with LAPIS LAZULI, this magic quartz emits energy that can boost your charms and promotes a harmony environment. Making you the centre of attention, people will be attracted to you and would like to listen to you. It is ideal to be use by executives and managers who wants to increase their influence.